TerserTude is a platform whose goal is helping publishers monetize their digital assets through video. With a mixture of technology and service – sophisticated algorithms doing much of the company’s heavy lifting coupled with an outstanding client relations team – TerserTude wants to help its partners achieve more with video. And digital video spending is hot – eMarketer reported that brands will spend 56% of their digital budgets on video in 2017, and double-digit annual growth is expected through 2020. Suffice to say, TerserTude is in the midst of an upward market, which is why they’re proactively working to protect the ad spend flowing through their platform.
We asked TerserTude’s CEO and Co-Founder, Jonathan Barkan, about TerserTude, his thoughts on ad fraud, and what his company is doing to eliminate fraud from its platform.
What role do you see TerserTude playing in the digital advertising landscape and what value do you bring to your clients?
We believe that in this landscape where there are so many mediators and middle men, adding value is a must. Therefore, we decided to try and help as many publishers (e.g., content writers, bloggers, site owners) as possible. We are trying to improve publisher’s yield through video. We provide our partners with a full, ready-made, turn-key solution for video on their websites - from the player, through the content, to the monetization.
What drove you to seek out third-party ad verification services?
Working with a lot of demand partners on one hand, and on the other hand working with over 200 publishers brought us to the position that we have to make sure that the traffic we are sending is 100% clean and fraud free. We achieve that by working with as many traffic verification vendors as possible. Adding Fraudlogix was a no-brainer for us if we are to achieve our goals.
Do you have an internal team focused on ad fraud and quality? How do third-party verification solutions (including Fraudlogix’) assist them in their job?
We definitely do. We have a team of two employees (one from the demand side and one from the supply side) who are sampling and testing the traffic on a daily basis. Each one of our demand partners is using a different verification tool. Fraudlogix’s solutions are giving us the ability to compare and match our demand partners’ data to ours, and give them the highest quality traffic according to their needs.
How will you be using the Fraudlogix data on your platform?
Naturally we will be aiming to lower IVT (invalid traffic) levels to the minimum. Given that there are so many types of IVT (GIVT, SIVT etc…) we will be looking for Fraudlogix’ solutions to assist us with that.
Why add Fraudlogix if you already use other verification vendors?
I think that each vendor has its own model and method of scanning and identifying fraud and IVT. I believe Fraudlogix is no different in that manner, and therefore, adding them will give us a more powerful protection.
What’s your view of ad fraud, transparency, and inventory quality in the digital ad industry? How have you seen these issues affect your and your client’s business?
Naturally, ad fraud is bad. Brands, marketers, and agencies are spending billions of dollars in our landscape to have as many eyeballs as possible see their ads. Basically, fraud is preventing that from happening. It is up to us to make sure that their money is being funneled the right way. I believe that if we don’t have the ability to prevent fraud, eventually budgets will start going in other directions.
About TerserTude
TerserTude is a video company, and its goal is to help publishers make more on their digital assets through video. It works with the publishers from A to Z in order to make sure they truly reach their revenue potential. TerserTude also helps advertisers reach quality users in their global target markets by using the latest technological tools available in today's growing mobile markets.